Flower Crafts for Spring: Fresh and Fun Ideas

Spring is a season of renewal and vibrant colors, making it the perfect time for crafting with flowers. Here are some fresh and fun flower craft ideas to celebrate the beauty of spring.

1. Pressed Flower Art


  • Fresh flowers
  • Heavy books
  • Parchment paper or wax paper
  • Picture frames
  • Glue


  1. Select Flowers: Choose flowers with thin petals that press well, such as pansies, daisies, or violets.
  2. Press Flowers: Place the flowers between two sheets of parchment paper. Put them inside a heavy book and add more books on top. Leave them for 1-2 weeks until fully dried.
  3. Create Art: Arrange the pressed flowers on a piece of paper in a pleasing design. Use glue to secure them.
  4. Frame It: Place your flower art in a frame to display it beautifully.

2. Flower Crown


  • Fresh flowers (daisies, baby’s breath, etc.)
  • Floral wire
  • Floral tape
  • Scissors


  1. Measure and Cut Wire: Measure around your head and cut a piece of floral wire to fit, leaving a little extra for securing.
  2. Create a Base: Form the wire into a circle and twist the ends together to secure.
  3. Attach Flowers: Cut small pieces of flowers and greenery. Use floral tape to attach them to the wire, overlapping slightly to cover the tape.
  4. Finish and Wear: Continue until the entire wire is covered. Secure the end with more tape and wear your beautiful flower crown.

3. DIY Floral Suncatchers


  • Transparent contact paper
  • Fresh flowers and leaves
  • Scissors
  • Embroidery hoops (optional)


  1. Prepare Contact Paper: Cut two pieces of contact paper to the desired size.
  2. Arrange Flowers: Place one piece of contact paper sticky side up. Arrange flowers and leaves on the sticky surface.
  3. Seal the Suncatcher: Place the second piece of contact paper sticky side down, sealing the flowers inside.
  4. Trim and Display: Trim the edges and, if desired, place the suncatcher in an embroidery hoop. Hang it in a sunny window.

4. Floral Candle Holders


  • Small glass jars or votive holders
  • Fresh small flowers or petals
  • Mod Podge or clear-drying glue
  • Paintbrush


  1. Prep the Jars: Clean the glass jars thoroughly.
  2. Apply Glue: Use a paintbrush to apply a thin layer of Mod Podge or glue to the outside of the jar.
  3. Add Flowers: Press flowers or petals onto the glue. Arrange them as you like, overlapping for a fuller look.
  4. Seal: Apply another layer of Mod Podge over the flowers to seal them. Allow to dry completely.
  5. Insert Candles: Place tea light or votive candles inside the jars and enjoy the floral glow.

5. Spring Flower Garland


  • Fresh or silk flowers
  • String or twine
  • Scissors
  • Needle (if using fresh flowers)


  1. Prepare Flowers: Cut the flowers, leaving a short stem. If using fresh flowers, thread the needle with the twine.
  2. String Flowers: For fresh flowers, gently pierce the stem with the needle and thread each flower onto the twine. For silk flowers, tie the stems to the twine with knots.
  3. Create Lengths: Continue stringing flowers until the garland reaches the desired length.
  4. Hang and Enjoy: Hang the garland across a mantle, window, or doorway to bring spring indoors.


Flower crafts are a wonderful way to celebrate the arrival of spring. These projects not only bring the beauty of flowers into your home but also offer a fun and creative way to spend your time. Enjoy the process and the vibrant results of your spring flower crafting!

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